How to Make a Beautiful Paddy Toran

To create a paddy toran, you will need a few simple materials such as fresh paddy rice grains, thread, and a needle Collect fresh paddy grains from a nearby field .You will need a good paddy plants to make a toran. a traditional decorative item made from rice plants. First you need to select rice […]

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Farmers Are The Backbone Of The Country

Farmer is a person who is involved in agriculture, which involves the cultivation of crops and the raising of livestock for food, fiber, and other products. Farmers typically own or lease land and work to produce crops. Farmers are responsible for many tasks, including planting, harvesting, irrigating, and caring for crops or animals. They also […]

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How To Grow For Paddy

Vestibulum ultrices eget libero amet accumsan nuari viverra rutrum. Proin quam suscipit faucibus nunc vitae suscipit ligula ultrices eget libero amet accumsan. Nulla varius viverra rutrum. Proin quam suscipit faucibus nunc vitae suscipit ligula ultrices eget libero amet accumsan. Nulla varius viverra

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