Thank you for visiting the corporate website for KGA ORGANIC. This website ( is operated by KGA ORGANIC and provides you with the latest information on our company, including press releases, investment news and employment opportunities.

As a premier department store, catalogue and Internet retailer, we understand that privacy is important, and we have posted this privacy policy to let you know what types of personal information we collect on this site, how we use it and whether it is shared with any unaffiliated third parties for marketing purposes. We encourage you to refer to this policy on an ongoing basis to stay up-to-date on our most current privacy practices, which may change from time to time as we continue to develop this site. The date that this policy last was changed is noted below.

Please note that this privacy policy applies only to this website.

Information Collected When You Visit Our Website and How We Use It

KGA ORGANIC only collects personal information that you voluntarily submit to this site, and we use that information for the purpose for which it was submitted. The following are examples of the types of personal information that are collected and how they are used:

  • If you submit a comment about us or one of our subsidiaries through our “Tell Us What You Think” form or request information through our “Information Request” form, we will use your information to review and respond to your comment or question.
  • If you submit a resume for a job posted on our site, that resume will be forwarded to the appropriate subsidiary for review and response. Applications may be submitted using the “Employment Application by E-Mail” form or through the “Apply Now!” online employment application centre forms available on our website.
  • If you ask to be added to the KGA ORGANIC email list for press releases or investor news, your name will be added to the list of people who receive such emails. However, you may opt out of receiving those emails at any time.
  • If you ask to be added to the mailing list for any of our subsidiaries (e.g., you want to receive catalogues), we will provide your information to that subsidiary, and you will be added to its marketing list. In that case, please note that your information may be shared with other KGA ORGANIC affiliates and/or third parties for marketing purposes.

With the exceptions noted above, we do not use the information you submit to this site for marketing purposes, and we do not share it with any unaffiliated third parties.

How We Use Cookies

  • KGA ORGANIC automatically receives and records information on our server logs from your browser, including your IP address, cookie information and the page you browsed. However, that information is not used to identify and track you as an individual when you’re browsing our site.
  • KGA ORGANIC uses cookies only to customize the look of the site and to offer assistance when completing our forms so that a user is not required to retype the same information. For example, if you have the Macromedia Flash plug-in, we will offer pages that contain Flash animations. KGA ORGANIC does not use cookies to track your movement through the site.

If you have any questions about our privacy practices and the choices you have regarding the use of your personal information for marketing purposes, you may call our Customer Service Privacy Hotline at  7204287684


KGA ORGANIC is committed to doing its best to maintain the security of information collected on our site. To try to prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place the appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

Children’s Privacy

KGA ORGANIC does not knowingly collect information from children under 13 years of age on this website. It is KGA ORGANIC policy to comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act on each of its websites, as applicable.